Patient Success Stories
Success Stories
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain Veneers can completely transform a person’s smile in a minimally invasive way, in some instances, without any tooth preparation at all. Fingernail thin, metal free*, high-strength ceramic restoration, veneers are individually fabricated to replace just the enamel surface of each involved tooth. Many significant esthetic problems, such as staining, discoloration, spaces, crowding, misalignment, erosion, and wear can be corrected in a conservative manner with beautiful results.
Instant Orthodontics
- Condition: This 68-year-old female was not interested in having braces and wanted perfect teeth in time for her daughter’s wedding.
- Treatment: We placed 10 custom-designed and chemically bonded upper ceramic veneers in a three-week period.
Failing Direct Composite Veneers
- Condition: This 32-year-old male had been given Tetracycline as a child which resulted in dark grey teeth developing. He was always just patched using tooth-colored filling materials but nothing ever lasted more than a few years.
- Treatment: We placed 10 custom-designed and chemically bonded upper ceramic veneers. Now he can smile with confidence.
Implant Supported Bridge
An implant-supported bridge consists of multiple ceramic restorations retained by dental implants. When several teeth are missing, an implant retained bridge is most often the best choice for replacement because, unlike the alternatives, a partial denture or a fixed bridge, it is not removable by the patient, the adjacent teeth remain intact, and it closely mimics the feel and function of natural teeth.
“No more partial dentures for me”
- Condition: This 72-year-old male had worn upper partial dentures for more than 20 years. He wanted to finally get rid of them and chew a steak.
- Treatment: 6 upper implants were placed and bond teeth were placed support by implants.
Implant Supported Prothesis
An implant-supported prosthesis is a more extensive restoration of crowns retained by multiple strategically placed titanium implants. This treatment is the ideal restorative solution when a patient is fully edentulous (without any teeth) because unlike its alternative, a denture, it is not removable by the patient and both functionally and esthetically closely resembles natural teeth.
An example of how natural implant support crowns and veneers can look.